Primary User Interface: ImageStats
Compute desired statistics values for input array objects.
- class stsci.imagestats.ImageStats(image, fields='npix,min,max,mean,stddev', lower=None, upper=None, nclip=0, lsig=3.0, usig=3.0, binwidth=0.1)[source]
Class to compute desired statistics from array objects.
- Parameters:
- imagestr
input image data array.
- fieldsstr
comma-separated list of values to be computed. The following are the available fields:
image data array
the number of pixels used to do the statistics
the mean of the pixel distribution
estimate of the median of the pixel distribution
the mode of the pixel distribution
the standard deviation of the pixel distribution
the minimum pixel value
the maximum pixel value
Only those fields specified upon instantiation will be computed and available as an output value.
- lowerfloat
Lowest valid value in the input array to be used for computing the statistical values
- upperfloat
Largest valid value in the input array to be used in computing the statistical values
- nclipint
Number of clipping iterations to apply in computing the results
- lsigfloat
Lower sigma clipping limit (in sigma)
- usigfloat
Upper sigma clipping limit (in sigma)
- binwidthfloat
Width of bins (in sigma) to use in generating histograms for computing median-related values
The mean, standard deviation, min and max are computed in a single pass through the image using the expressions listed below. Only the quantities selected by the fields parameter are actually computed.
mean = sum (x1,...,xN) / N y = x - mean variance = sum (y1 ** 2,...,yN ** 2) / (N-1) stddev = sqrt (variance)
The midpoint and mode are computed in two passes through the image. In the first pass the standard deviation of the pixels is calculated and used with the binwidth parameter to compute the resolution of the data histogram. The midpoint is estimated by integrating the histogram and computing by interpolation the data value at which exactly half the pixels are below that data value and half are above it. The mode is computed by locating the maximum of the data histogram and fitting the peak by parabolic interpolation.
- Warning
This data will be promoted down to float32 if provided as 64-bit datatype.
This class can can be instantiated using the following syntax:
>>> import stsci.imagestats as imagestats >>> i = imagestats.ImageStats(image, fields="npix,min,max,mean,stddev", nclip=3, lsig=3.0, usig=3.0, binwidth=0.1 ) >>> i.printStats() >>> i.mean
The statistical quantities specified by the parameter fields are computed and printed for the input image array. The results are available as attributes of the class object as well.
- getCenters()[source]
Compute the array of bin center positions.
- printStats()[source]
Print the requested statistics values for those fields specified on input.
- stsci.imagestats.computeMean(image, clipmin, clipmax, numGoodPixels, mean, stddev, minValue, maxValue)
- class stsci.imagestats.histogram1d(arrayInput, nbins, binWidth, zeroValue)[source]
Populate a 1-dimensional histogram from 1D
array.- Parameters:
- arrayInputnumpy.nddata
2D array object
- nbinsint
Number of bins in the histogram.
- binWidthfloat
Width of 1 bin in desired units
- zeroValuefloat
Zero value for the histogram range
- property centers
Compute the array of bin center values
- property edges
Compute the array of bin center values
- getCenters()[source]
Returns histogram’s centers.
- get_edges()[source]
Returns histogram’s bin edges (including left edge of the first bin and right edge of the last bin).